Challenging Verification and Decide.ANGELS are present. Whatever you want to call it ... Aliens, Extraterrestrials, Spirits etc. I personally call them "Guardian Good Angels" [ GGA ] that God assigned to you personally. Believe it or not. YOU may not know or realize it but the Angels are stealthily present. Remember, what I had declared before not to take my word but Verify. My claim is Verifiable and it IS TRUE.
On November 4th, 2022 (Friday) I went to this OPENING at about 7:30pm (opens at 7pm opening day). I call it "Christmas Wonderland" *Celebration of Lights* in Sin City. It IS Gorgeous & Amazing, Strikingly Awesome Beautiful Colorful lights displayed. Of course I took pictures & long (almost 6 minutes) video with my cell phone. I encourage the public to go there if you can for now it opens the gates at 5pm. This place and time where MIRACLE happens to me on that particular opening day. Will reveal later. Amen.
MIRACLE part. 11102022
After pictures & video my cellphone was lost just before I leave. What happened IS I enter the chocolate factory building & my phone drop out of my jacket pocket. It was crowded with visitors inside that some "Good Samaritan" (thank God not Bad Samaritan) pick up my phone on the floor and turn it over to the staff then staff over to Security. As soon as I realize my phone is missing I approach one staff over the counter and she said YES found one and turn it over to Security and take me to security office and I get back my lost phone back. Thank you Guardian Angels. Coincidence some might say but wait ... this cellphone lost happened to me twice. The other was in February 2016 when I visit Myanmar. Will elaborate what happened in 2016 Myanmar Visit later.....
Continued 11112022 (Veteran's day)
At YANGON city in February 2016 Myanmar Visit,, the largest city in Myanmar I took a taxi from downtown to outskirts of the city visiting where my relatives lives. After I reach my destination over 10 miles journey, the taxi drop me at the address but I forgot to take my cellphone which I laid besides me at the back seat. Lucky I was the only customer riding. The taxi took off after dropping me and when I enter my relative house I realized I forgot to take my cellphone from the back seat of the taxi. My relatives immediately call my number to tell the taxi driver. Lucky again, the driver did answer the phone call and said he got it but there are new customers riding and he had to take them to their destination. He is already far away from me. I offer him reward money if he can drive back to me and deliver my cellphone. He agreed and tell me to wait at the spot where he drop me so I waited and in due time the taxi arrives and give back my cellphone. As we all know cellphones are very important tools now a days. Coincidence too? Look, in life there are things that we understand and things that we DON'T understand and by telling coincidence or putting all in one category randomly is absolutely WRONG and INCORRECT. There are MANY things that we don't know or understand. Please keep your MIND & RESEARCH open as wide as possible for WE Earthlings are living in a little Blue Dot in the deep void Universe we know very little about. Amen After Amen. Can verify this too IF you can what happened in Myanmar Visit. of Gemstones "Mogok Ruby"..... Myanmar PRIDE & PROSPERITY :-: Or My Heading IS ... MOGOK PAINITE... The Rarest of the Rare.
[Tunnel Open Entrance dated 9th May 2009]. Did you know number 9 is the lucky number for Myanmar?].
Famous & Finest well known "Pigeon Blood" RUBIES of MOGOK revealed in Centuries Closed Myanmar. Unlike ANY place in the World. I rate this video disclosures higher than the ancient Great Pyramids of Egypt. WHY?. CUZ this disclosure is about the BEST of the BESTS, the RAREST of the RARE, the FINEST of the FINE Rubies KING of the GEMSTONES on Planet Earth. About Precious Preeminent Prosperity. NOT about DEAD Kings/Pharaohs. City Fall, Shan State, Myanmar. Authentic Pictures of Mandalay City
Establishment [1860s] of Myanmar City "Mandalay" 160 years ago 3 Authentic pictures. Mandalay become Myanmar Kings Palace and Authentic Burmese Culture & Capital. Later British built Rangoon (now Yangon) as Capital City then Burma. Present Burmese Buddhists Military Generals built from scratch in a place call "Pyinmana" near "Mandalay" a large NEW Capital City named "Nay Pyi Taw". Myanmar Gemstones # 1 Richest by GDP's Currency Crises is running out of US Dollars New Military Outpost in PALAU Western Pacific. Federation cautious with Communist China. Major shift in World Strategic Scene 2020.
21st Century New FORD Class Nuclear Power Super Carriers:-: Enterprise CVN-80 John F. Kennedy CVN-79 Gerald R. Ford CVN-78
US Air Force & US Navy New 6th Generation Fighter Jets:-: 5th Generation Fighter Jets F-22 RAPTOR & F-35 Lightening II a New Breed of Advanced Fighter Jets in the making!.
Drones are the 21st Century Strategic Robotic Warriors:-: Smart Strategy. Century Super Stealthy Bombers. Spirit & Raider. [Humanless] My Favorite Fighting Force of the 21st Century and Beyond. / Ziwazoe of the Covenant in USA is not dead movie Vegas Eatery Tanintharyi Region, Myanmar
My Fav Place known as Grandpa Rock Beach where one can walk through waters on sand bars.
I love authentic Myanmar Tea. My birth region Tanintharyi Region near Dawei City. Sea water so low (low tide) that you can walk through and hop one island to another. This place has NO bungalow so very few people visited place "preserving natural beauty". Virgin beaches white sands and crystal clear turquoise sea waters and YOU only, away secluded peaceful & tranquility at it's best. Invisible Hand Creation in Awesome Beautiful Nature indeed. No human made buildings including Buddhist Pagodas can match mother nature's crafty Art. Sometimes these man made buildings can be "Eye Sore" or "Awkward" destroying the virginity of beautiful scene. It's a pity man made objects are destroying the natural beauty of nature. Pagoda shape is "ice cream cone" upside down painted with gold leaf. Maniacs building these cone shaped temples everywhere cliffs, boulders, caves, islands rock, waterfalls, beaches, mountain tops etc. you name it they built it destroying the natural Beauty with Religious Shrines offending other religions of the world. Tooooooo much Buddhism destroys Burma., Myanmar top 6 pure & genuine Burmese Food. 1) Nga Boat Chauk 2) Sate Gway Si Kin 3) Noit Oang Thar Kin 4) Nga Yant Oo Hin 5) Sar Kalay Kyaw 6) Deep fried soft shell crab

St. George MAZE my fav spot in the entire world Canyonlands Waters prices crash in Yangon rank Death Valley National Park # 3 in the world. # 1 Project Pahrump. The # 1 Freedom Town in USA. Street Food My Fav (Cheap, Variety, Fresh & Delicious) Incentive Kind of Knight. No fear (to evil) but all out WAR or don't fight at all!. ALL or NOTHING strategy. Reborn of TEMPLAR / CRUSADE needed in this world. Amen. Beach 19 MandateYangon City, Myanmar. Entity in this Universe.
The Truth.
During the British Empire Centuries ago, where the Sun never sets throughout the rotation of Planet Earth I would like to pinpoint to a particular place where 2 nations/countries was rule by the Brilliant Empire that although very small island few people RULED Worldwide by intellectually BRIGHTNESS Superior in human specie. Yes there are bad things & good things naturally in imperfect humans but goodness outweighs the bad overwhelmingly making them an outstanding Specie amongst us (earthlings). Because of them, the small islanders who heavily have Faith in Jesus Christ was blessed with unimaginable wealth & expertise (commonwealth/territories) to this day Centuries After. This particular place I'm talking about is 2 nations located in Sub Indian Ocean namely India & Burma (Now Myanmar back to original name). The British rule both countries then. To make it more simpler & easier to rule they combine 2 into 1. Later when the Brits give Freedom/Independence to both countries, rulers separate it back to Sovereign nations as India & Burma now Myanmar. British Empire had laid the foundation for the world including language [ English ] that is FIRMLY in place today. God is with them in reward for putting God First in their Kingdom. Amen. Although they are just a small islanders but immensely superior. May the late Outstanding Queen Elizabeth II "mama" of present King Charles III rest in peace, asleep in Jesus Christ. Deepest & Sincere Condolences to all the ROYAL family & subjects/people around the world. Amen. ....
Terencelyn an Earthling. My Subscription.
Don't Need Animal Instinct.
T r u x x e r /_\HeritageBiological father 90% Burmese (blood) Buddhist turn Christian has ancient European Blood. My dad was a Judge in 'British Burma' era. My name is spell in Brit way.
I'm an Earthling 100%.
1/3 Myanmar, 1/3 American, 1/3 British, the rest 'other' all have faith in Christ. It's called.. MyanmAricanBritCruxx
09152022 Timothy B. Schmit for Christ Throne of *RoyalRepublic* Begins In September 2022.
Return of Redemption 23rd Christian Century
G o z i z Insight
Insight. Updated 9/16/2022. "Operation London Bridge" will make *RoyalRepublic* extremely powerful that it will change the World in new ORDER. & White Authentic Picture of ME.
1970s & 1980s era picture in Yangon, Burma/Myanmar. Searching for EAGLES cassettes (no DVD/CD that time) in downtown Yangon then Rangoon brought by Burmese sailors working on foreign Ocean going ships. is how I see it. It is WHAT it is. *Keep on Learning* is My Motto.
The only CHRISTIAN Nation / Kingdom that rules Planet Earth for Centuries yet with "small population & size" shows / proven how OUTSTANDING they are. They must be doing SOMETHING Brilliant. God Bless this nation undoubtedly. Amen.
Colonization Earth is Good. Colonizing Mars & Others is Better. Shows Superiority in the Brains......Brightness of British Brilliancy. ChristianCommonwealthColonization... Kingdom of Earth.......... G.I.I. [ Goziz Intelligent Insight ]. God First !!!.
Example: Look at RUSSIA. The biggest nuclear country on Earth yet cannot conquer small UKRAINE. Look at CHINA, the 4th largest & most populous country on Earth and yet cannot conquer close by mini island TAIWAN. Without GOD nothing is possible. WITH GOD Everything is possible in Reality. Amen After Amen. name *RoyalRepublic* ... September 2022 "ChristianCommonwealth".
Queued 200 years advanced preparation for 23rd Century. Grace, Wisdom & Return of Redemption. Amen. Royal Coffins State Crown (UK) put the Cart in front of the Cow. Put Cow in front of the Cart.......Universal Principle.
Rarest of Rare [<I>] 0.00000094% of world population.