
06 29 2024

Take God created Birds for example. Did anyone feed them? No. Did you EVER heard about Birds starved to death? No. Did Birds lack food shortages?. No. So this is plain & simple. God has his way of doing things differently. Never heard birds starved to death. Never. Did you?. Things creatures & elements are all created Intelligently systematically and in synchronize manner. You think this has happened randomly & stupidly?. THINK !. God given you BRAIN free of charge to think learn & understand. Not to do and act Rubbish. 

Keep it Coming baby, keep it Coming. Amenn. The BEAUTY of Truth, Honesty & Faithfulness is ... Endless Everlasting Eternity !!!. 


"Real Rainbow" has 7 different colors and EACH has it's own meaning. Did you know LGBT flag (6 colors) & Buddism flags are look alike & similar not to mention they BOTH are common Anti - Christ in ideology?. Check out their Religious FLAGS. Truth never Lie. 

Living God THE CREATOR gives all CRUCIAL essential items like air to breathe, water to drink, trees for shade suck out toxic ingredients  in air, creatures to eat and Freedom by birth to experience LIFE etc "FREE of CHARGE". Amenn.  


There's ONLY one way to Heaven.  Through Jesus Christ. There's no other way ( no choice & no exceptions ).T r Y n Y t Y.        06 29 2024Nexus Note:You don't need money house car plane stardom heroism icon popularity beauty gold jewelry fame fortunes Church Pope or even your body. All you need is your faithful soul / spirit in Jesus Christ. Amenn. 


Done Deal Disastrous. Divinity @ Work.Will there be Episode 2 ?. 



Real Man knows his limitations. Yes he is life long Political Junkie BUT the problem is it's OBSOLETE & OUTDATED and TIME is not on his side. Aging beginning taking it's TOLL. He is different now than in 4 years back. Heavy duty POTUS Office job takes up quickly within 4 short years. It is what it is. Nature has it's own way. Time Taking Toll. 




06 28 2024

Trump BOLD & BLUNT warning to USA enemies NOT to play in transition time. Characteristic of a STRONG Commander in Chief. God Bless. Amen.




4:44pm Divinity at Work.
Trickery Dickery Dock. The Clock Climbs Up "12th of Never". Aging catches slowly but surely.
Drooling Ditching Debate 


Democrats Declined. Pictures let alone VIDEO never Lie. Frail Feeble Failed posture to the ENTIRE World. Terribly sad sight. THIS is NOT SUPER POWER NATION leader posture to the World. 


Clearly Biden LOST the Debate showing signs of Declination. Biden MUMBLES a lot. A picture tells a thousand words let alone the video and they never LIE. 


Freedom is Priceless created & given as a gift ONLY by God to Earthlings. "Fools Franchise Freedom" with things or money BY human made LAWS. Replacing God's Ownership with Earthlings is not only foolish but ignorant minded. Freedom was tampered by manipulation. 5:55am 

No human has the authority to manipulate & manufacture FREEDOM. Living God Owns FREEDOM.  Not You. Stop giving clumsy excuses and cosmetic FREEDOM as if you created & own it.I stand my ground. I do not jump on band wagon where Infinity 99.9999 endless % Earthlings took a ride. I don't hitchhike either. I stay back ALONE and wait for living Jesus/Yeshua to pick me on his chosen time & place. My life belongs to Jesus Christ. Not you. In Eternal Living God I Trust. Amenn.5:11am  06 28 2024 


Justifying Divinely Justice:FREEDOM belongs to Living God for Living God is the sole Owner & Creator of FREEDOM given to Earthlings since BIRTH. Nobody owns FREEDOM except Living God. Certainly NOT humans. Laws are imperfect, manufactured by imperfect humans. Understand?. Don't camouflage FREEDOM with man made laws into manipulating "God Given Right" as you please or like it. FREEDOM since Birth is priceless. LIVING GOD is the OWNER & CREATOR of FREEDOM. Mankind is NOT. Just a Creation by God. Don't be Confused between Creator & Creation. Understand?.4:44am. 06 28 2024.    ///   CAC. 

RIGHTFULLY said. Amenn.CAC /// CARRY ON.   Serenity Singularity StrivesSoft Revolutionary Revival WITHOUT using Bullets but using BRAIN. No sweat !. No blood either. My CREATION,  My WORLD, My LIFE unlike any human in the Universe let alone planet Earth. Ultra Ultimate Unique. Thanks to The LIVING GOD who created "Birthright Freedom" / My FREEDOM to me. Amenn. 



Bald Eagle Symbol of Independent Party.

02 08 2024

YOU got the Money, WE got the Hearts/Votes:MAGA - Make America Great Again (Elephant).MMM - Majestic Model Movement (Eagle)BBB - Bring Back Better (Donkey)

MazeBrain @ QuietQuantum 02 08 2024.  H i s t o r i c  3 Way Race Starts!!!.My Favorite Jacket I wear to MMM Rally. It's water proof too. It was raining on that day [02 04 2024]. Perfect. 


Majestic Model Movement
[ MMM ]
QuietQuantum 02 08 2024 

Vietnamese versions on Myanmar's Capital Naypyidaw. Myanmar Military Government move the previous Capital City Yangon to New Capital Naypyidaw 4 times the size of New York City. United States is the MODEL of showing to the world by moving Capital New York City to well Planned New Capital Washington D.C.. CCE / MazeBrain 


Rumors On Righteous
[ ROR ] Crosscrux 02 08 2024 

U.S. Currency Is the World's Currency. U.S. $ Money is the Model.CCE @ QuietQuantum. 



Model Capital City Washington D.C. "explained in Burmese" why there is no skyscrapers. Officially move USA Capital City from New York to NEW well Planned Splendor Washington D.C. 


I'm not a Neggie but a Posse. Who the heck represent Donkey? Who the heck represent Elephant? & Who is the leader of Eagle?. Comprehend Concept?.  CCE / MazeBrain. 02 07 2024 

Planet Earth: The Light is White. The Land is Red. The Sky is Blue.... United States is The Model Nation.

CCE / MazeBrain.  02 07 2024 




American Dollar $$$ also known as *Greenback* will CRUSH all Dictators regardless of Country size, big or small, Nuclear or not...Temugin Lyn. $wift $hark $trike

Wisdom & Insight.Seeking Searching for the TRUTH. All Buddhists & Hindus are striving to achieve Enlightenment ( Nirvana ) example demonstrated by Buddha, the Awaken One. 


TRUTH never change and irrelevant to TIME.Why Myanmar becomes a Buddhist nation. Don't be confused. The Yunnan Province (YUNNANESE) in current Southern China is different from Chinese and they speak different languages just like MONGOLS are different from CHINESE. Historically speaking MANIPUR, TIBET & YUNNAN belongs to MYANMAR in Heritage Race & Culture making MYANMAR one of the LARGEST country in ASIA. 69% of the Union the Burmese descendant Tribes from 4 major ethnic races namely 1) MON, 2) PYU from TIBET & BAMAR from YUNNAN & SHAN from YUNNAN.

YadayarYa / TL  11262023. 



"Navyblue" is the Code Name.Temugin Lyn [ TL ]
@ YadayarYa 

American Dollar $$$ also known as *Greenback* will CRUSH all Dictators regardless of Country size, big or small, Nuclear or not...Temugin Lyn. $wift $hark $trike 

T e m u g i n    L y n   Unified   Union (12 States)Founded on ... 3 Eco Friendly Pillars.1) Agricultural 2) Educational3) Highend Technology.Note: Naypyitaw ( current Capital) will be part of Mandalay State. Kayah/Karenni & Karen/ Kayin will be one State as Karen State and finally Yangon & Bago will be one State as Yangon State making 12 States. No more Regions but States. NEW Modern Hanthawaddy International Airport [ H I A ] in Yangon State will be the HUB for South East Asia, South Asia & Indo - Pacific Region. New Capital City will be MaHarMate City in Yangon State.Christian Girl Naw Marr (Myanmar Origin) posting. I love it. If this place is in Chin State, I don't care Chins can called their place CHINLAND as long as they are part of the UNION. UNION must NEVER EVER disintegrate like Soviet Union, a Communist Dictatorship State.Temugin Lyn [ TL ]. Amen. Long Live CHINLAND !!!. or KACHINLAND. !!!. KARENLAND etc.Together WITH the UNION, forever. Amen.I will let all 12 States freedom to form their own Goverment but NOT own Army. 12 separate Governments must NOT supercede Federal Goverment. The all civilian 12 Governments will then form the Federal Central Union Government that has the final say in Governing the Nation. Military Union Army is separate ENTITY but cannot interfere in Politics nor can charge civilians with Military Laws. 

Christian Girl Naw Marr (Myanmar Origin) posting. I love it. 


Tatmadaw Tactic. Since the 1st Dictator General Ne Win created Myanmar  - Ta Yoke (Chinese) crisis history repeats itself by General Min Aung Hlaing creation of Myanmar  - Chinese crisis Demonstration occurred now again. Even openly conduct public demonstrations in front of Chinese Embassy. Also claim 3 Brotherhood Alliance offensive as Chinese invasion battle meaning Chinese nationals (Veterans) involved in the attack at North Eastern Shan State bordering China. Chinese 80% trade & investment area is now control by 3 Brotherhood Alliance with Chinese help. My INSIGHT is China wants the ENTIRE Shan State Disintegrated from the UNION at least if not the entire country Myanmar. China already established Chinese ethnic WA tribe Armed Forces who speaks ONLY Chinese and use ONLY Chinese money YUAN all over Shan State known as UWSA ( United Wa State Army, 30,000 or more Regular FULLY armed TROOPS with Chinese made weapons & money). 


My Take: : : Tatmadaw Trend: ... Major Military Reshuffle. One Mastermind After Another Mastermind (Genius). Myanmar Marathon Tatmadaw for 7 Decades.Myanmar will be *Navyblue*. Absolutely!!!. Just a matter of Time.Possible New (Young Age) Military Commander-in-Chief (no battle experience also nickname as "Nay Toe" Movie Actor) Youngest  General "Kyaw Zwar Lin" to take General "Min Aung Hlaing" place when he (Min Aung Hlaing) change to civilian (retire from Military). Actually General Min Aung Hlaing reserve General Moe Myint Tun as right hand man to take his place but General Moe Myint Tun was arrested and jailed for 20 yrs. Therefore DEPUTY young General Kyaw Zwar Lin is most likely to take his Military position as Commander-in-Chief when General Min Aung Hlaing leave office for Civil duty.11262023Temugin Lyn...[ TL ].Notice the date November 25th, 2023 (news). Birth of Temugin Lyn / YadayarYa. Coincidence?. Your guess is as good as mine.MYANMAR Military ( Tatmadaw ).P.S. Ta Yoke Tat ( Chinese Military ) is conducting "Military Exercise" in Southern China (Yunnan Province) bordering Myanmar/Shan State place where FIERCE FIGHTING between 3 Brotherhood Alliance vs. Myanmar Tatmadaw occurred @ Myanmar - China Border. 


Democratic vs. Dictatorship civil war in Myanmar. Karenni/Kayah State 80% liberated by democratic KNDF forces. 






Conditional Constitution [ FUM ]





US Dollar


10 Commandments / Laws.

The Birth of a New Democratic Republic Nation.Conditional Corruption Clean Constitution for ( FUM )10 Commandment/Laws ( Update / Amendments Possible ).1) Civilians cannot be charge or interfere politics with Military laws vice versa and only Union Army/Military Participate by all ethnic personals can bare Arms. 2) Each 3 Branches (Civilians / Military / High Tech) has EQUAL separate Powers.3) There will be 12 States with their own representatives & governments built for Central Government, the Federal Union of Myanmar. 4) Nation is founded upon Agriculture, Technology & Peaceful Prosperity (Eco Wise).5) Elected Central Government Renew/Election every 5 yrs with 2 term limits.6) All foreign nations will have EQUAL opportunity near or far, big or small, rich or poor, nuclear or not.7) State/Nation power stays in the hands of the PEOPLE.8] Faith Freedom Foundation Forever.9) Knowledge Education & Innovation base policy without politics. 10) Seeking & Searching for the TRUTH.Temugin Lyn [TL]   11252023.Myanmar National Emblem ( Pyinsa Yupa Head or entire Body) of Federal Union of Myanmar.  FUM 


New Strategic Innovator [NSI] BORN on November 25th, 2023. Remote Righteous Ruler known as *Temugin Lyn* [TL] $$$ .. Watch out Satanic Followers & Dwellers. 

Satanic Deception
The Fact & the Truth. They started the war and they blamed it to the victims. This is the era we are living. The innocent becomes criminal, criminal becomes innocent.
11252023. Lynlight 



My favorite paper money American $ 100 dollar bill. Love it. I love the design, color & number 100.     11242023Lynways 


Telling the TRUTH is NOT a crime.World Wide Wisdom [ www ].China ERADICATING Muslim Mosques all over China. Atheist vs Allah.Muslim, another "Ass up in the Air" religion just like Buddhists "Ass in the Air" religion. Both are same kind of worshipping. One (Muslims) Ass up for Allah and another (Buddhists) Ass up for Buddha. In Burmese we say " Phim Moo Down Dong ". 


Slyly Retaliation by Tatmadaw against Ta Yoke.Yesterday Tatmadaw (Junta) heavy weapons/bombs landed on Ta Yoke (Chinese) trade Vehicles station in MUSE border town blowing up 120 FULLY loaded goods TRUCKS were destroyed & burnt down. The truck station has 250 vehicles park because of closure of BORDER PASS between Myanmar & Ta Yoke Countries Business trade routes. 11/24/2023. 



Operation 1027


Operation 1027 is October 27th, 2023 the date Assault on Myanmar Junta Forces. Aside on Junta cruel actions I love the Tatmadaw tackling the BIG nuclear neighbors Ta Yoke ( China ) & Ka Lah ( India ) for decades since World War 2 ended. So far Myanmar is STILL an Independent Nation. Right now Ta Yoke is FED UP with Tatmadaw (Junta) for prolonging THEIR (Ta Yoke) economic projects and plans to trap Myanmar by financial enticement AND ONLINE SCAMS currently done by Chinese Nationals inside Myanmar territory costing China Billions of US Dollars every single day with WORLDWIDE affect. So far Tatmadaw Spoke person General Zaw Min Tun announced recently that over 6,000 Chinese Nationals who illegally enter Myanmar and doing online scams had been arrested and hand over to the Chinese border authorities. 


Jesus Christ is ... My Center, Crux & Everything. HE is innocent and yet HE was Crucified. HE is my refuge, model, example and Lord no matter what. I don't rely on imperfect humans. 

When United States exchange "Dollar" with "Alaska" from Russia and Russia took the money, that is NOT stealing although Russia falsely accused it as theft. A deceptional concept... Lynways.11242023 

Once a Criminal. ALWAYS a Criminal so ... PROVE it beyond any shadow of doubt in Court under Oath for the burden is on the Accusers' responsibility. 

Hate Jealousy & Pride brings wicked misfortune. A toxic cocktail of evil.Misinformation Disillusioned Deceptive and Finally a BIG LIE against PRESENT white Christian people that has nothing to do with the PAST misfortunes. The situation in the PAST is way different than what it is today and THAT is the "full event" by "verificational" documentary (not story) and the TRUTH. Truth doesn't rely nor relevant with TIME changes. Truth is what REALLY happened in Past & Present. Different events. Confusing is Satan's tool to camouflage the TRUTH into deceptive assumptions to manufactured faulty biase frauds base on Gossips & RUMOR. Amen.P.S. I don't want to waste my remaining PRECIOUS time on deceptive allegations base on prejudice pride & jealousy which are the root cause of fraud, hatred & criminal accusations. So help them God. 


US Dollar Banknotes. Greenback. American Money is International STANDARD World Currency. 


T. S. L.

US $ ( # 1 ) is "friendly" with Japanese Yen ( # 3 ) & European Euro (# 2 ), "unchallenged" too. This make US $ more stronger as World Embedded Currency. 3 MAJOR currencies is a Solidified World Currency second to none !!!.

Together these big 3 will be the benchmark of World Financial Institution. 3 into 1 [ Holy Trinity ] In God We Trust.

My #1 fav food, Soft Shell Crab ( video from 30mins to 42 mins)


I don't need to fly half the Globe to eat soft shell crab in Myanmar in South Asia. I can fly to North Carolina Coastline, East Coast USA. A lot convenient and closer to home.

06092022 New Day New Challenge New Way

$1 Billion Lawsuit



MW logo

NeoWise NW logo

My Anthem [ Heaven & Hell ]


Twitter Lawsuit over Broken Buyout [ $44Billion ]



Hill Inlet, Queensland Australia



Winning War CODE

Alaska Case is done deal AND cannot, willnot RECIND/Backtrack by any means. The BEAR Grizzzzz. After Ukraine, Alaska?. Lookout, Mad Bear On The Loose. In my perspective, Siberia is EAGLE territory. Ancient Native Americans migrated from Asia Continent [Siberia] through Bering Strait/Sea when it (Siberia + Alaska) was connected with ICE. By the WAY "Universal Law" says "Once you/anyone TAKES & KEEP the money (any money/amount)" its DONE DEAL/FINALLY FINISHED, cannot RECIND.

Rapids Rafting


My Strategy

Yankin Yangon




Yangon to Bago highway


